Markets and business has been reaaally slow, hence with more efforts put in, sometimes longer hours are the only way to go. With the lil time and all that energy focused on managing others' monies and bringing in more revenue, i'm relieved i started plannin for this WHOLE birthday party in advance and with much ease (with Vic) to surprise them both. I'm elated the party on Sunday turned out so fun for everyone, especially the 2 birthday gals! :)
It all started with thoughts of wanting to do something SPECIAL. And of course when Jules plans for somethin, it will always be stylish and glamorous!
The NOMINEES were...

from Amara Sanctuary Resort & Spa, with a private pool
(20 guests were intended but only 4 guests can stay overnight. definitely not for a wild party!)

from Siloso Beach Resort, with a roof terrace for sun tanning and a private jacuzzi
(No barbecue pit/ barbecue. Which means no food after a cool dip!)

Shootouts and cocktail/ cheeze party at the The Singapore Gun Club
(It will be too challenging if it pours. Guests may be drenched. It is a CRIME if white loafers are soaked, styled hair becomes dripping wet and make-up smashed!)
In the end...
'The Yacht' choice came out tops!

In the end, 'The Yacht' came out tops as we could incorporate the barbecue, space for everyone to mingle and for everyone to experience something different. So after making wise decisions, decisions, decisions, Vic and i started planning for it all through just one day of meet up!! We chose the yacht (good thinkin Vic for suggesting we head to Keppel Marina too! If not we would have missed out viewing the other 2 yachts) we planned the guests list and what food items we should get. I'm impresses at our efficiency and effectiveness! But it was so difficult keeping from them!!
Sourcing for this contact was a real feat. Not knowing of any more charters, i found SUMMIT on the 29th page of google, much so after 5 nights of surfin and finger-clicking numbing actions, the deal was sweeeet. We had a barbecue package (with charcoal and pit provided), 1kg of prawns thrown in for fishing and soft drinks included. All within my budget! Hence always start out with a budget in mind and think of the resources you have and go in search for it. Chances are, if you really want it, you WILL get it. Cus all through the time, i only found yachts which were between the range of $2500- $3500. What more, the vessel could fit 10 people and were about the same length too. It was also rental for the whole day (8hours) and food items could not be purchased on your own. Which means, you have to pay for the 'house' price. Let's just say i got it at a fraction of that range. So call me if you want Jules to plan for anythin stylish AND within your budget! *beams*
I was just as excited at the thought of driving the yacht, just as i was thinkin what their reactions will be when they see all their friends on board and that it wasn't just two for company! *giggles*
Surprise lineup
The plan was to make them think we'll be havin someone barbecue for us and that we may take a dip in the pool after a nice barbecue at a chic joint in Sentosa. They were both only told to wear beach wear and to bring biks, just in case.
- Meet Gen (Challenge: without any picnic bags!)
- Meet Alexxis and Vic at Vivocity (Planned: she knows Gen is goin, but Gen doesn't know she is)
- Surprise 1: Shout "SURPRISE" when both cars meet (wanted reaction: Shocked)
- I have to call Alexxis' to 'direct' Vic the way (Planned: Vic will have to lead cus we don't know the way to 1Degree15)
- Find parking (Challenge: to digress and distract them while on the way)
- Suprise 2: Meet at Vic's car and will open the boot to reveal 'picnic', "SURPRISE!"
- Walk to 1 Degree 15 Marina Club (Challenge: to make them still think we're goin for a picnic by the beach)
- Surprise 3: Shout "SUPRISE" at the reception (Challenge: to all have gathered at the reception before we arrive. We have to text message them wowithout them suspecting)
- Surprise 4: Birthday-Yacht, shout: "SURPRISE!!!" (Challenge: while walking away from reception to the beths, to still make them think we're havin a picnic)
What really turned out!
- Unexpectedly my mom took the picnic mats out to air and so i spent 10mins folding it!
- I waited for Gen for about 30mins outside her house cus she didn't think we had a time to keep to!
- I got out of the car to withdraw $ at meet-up point and Vic drove off!
- While Vic was drivin off, Gen noticed Vic's car cus she was honked at by another for obstructing his way!
- "Surprise!". But Gen wasn't that surprised cus Alexxis' messaged to say "see you on Sunday" when they wished each other happy birthdays on Wednesday!!
- Vic couldn't find the car park and parked at one of the available spaces. We were lost and had to walk for about 20mins to the club!
- Being 45mins late, we were met by Alexxis' friends while Gen's friends were waiting on the boat instead!
- Tottering on board at 11 45am, instead of the intended 11am, we found Xueling missing! She had not been 'picked' up at the bar yet! (She was way too early and waited for us for 2hours!)
- We finally had everyone on board and left at about 12pm with everyone jolly but famished!!!

Till the next time!

Karen: for the lovely champagne
(and for being such a sport even though you were feeling sick and throwin up!)
Belle: for the 4 bottles Soft Drinks
Candy: for being the other photographer
Louanna: for the space and pick up
For sheltering the food in the trolley with your poncho and dashing through the rain with me- to leave all the food items at your place (although your mom would've preferred it not to be there!)
Andrew: for the snacks and soy sauce
Sharon: For the 4 bottles of beer and wine
Trina: for the 3 packets of Beehoon
Jumari: for scaling the fish and barbecuing for us
Peter: for helping us with the fishing and offering to take us out on his other yachts in future
Vicki: for planning this together!
Birthday gal, Alexxis: for the wine and enjoying yourself with me!
Birthday gal, Gen: for pretending to be SURPRISED even though you knew it 3days earlier!!