Relish: The Day Before a Holiday

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Day Before a Holiday

For someone who had taught swim for 3 good years to not have beach wear- I couldn't believe my wardrobe. I grew out of everything. Now that's bad!! But. It was a great day of waking up slighty later in the mornin and a whole day of shopping, shoppig and more shopping! =)

Beach Wear

Even though i'm on official leave, my heart is still distant with the shops. Though mingling with the top 'In-Conversation' chaps didn't happen, it is always a privillege being at the After Award Party.

After Award Party

I'm leaving for the airport soon!! Bags are all packed, checked the markets, updates from bloomberg, CNA etc and i've also just checked if any of my clients have messaged (not yet, cus it's too late. Or early!!). I guess all i'm left to do now is to fill my growling tummy!!

And i'm counting down. 1 hour and 15mins...1 hour and 10mins.... See ya in a week! With an even browner tan!!

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